Manually fix upper die (1) to the upper die adaptor (2)of the machine.
Before mounting lower die, you must first disassemble lower die adaptor (5) that comes with the die set, if it is pre assembled.
Place notched part of the lower die (3) (see hand sign) to the lower die slot (4) at upright position of the fixing screw (6). Tighten the fixing screw (6) with the Allen key.
Carefully locate the CSGSP-2 on top of lower die holder as shown in drawing.
Important Note: Lower die should be attached and fixed before the installation of CSGSP-2. With use of #7.5 and bigger size dies, CSGSP-2 is installed directly to the lower die. For #5.5 and smaller sizes,CSGSP-2 should be mounted to the lower die holder.
Gently tighten CSGSP-2 to the lower die holder
(for small die set) or lower die (for large die set) and make sure their surfaces are at the same level.
Then securely fix the screw (10) with a Phillips-head screwdriver to secure the connection.
If the edge guide (2) was removed before for easy installation, replace it again and fix the adjusting nut (1) and the bolt (3).
Securely fix the immobilization screws (5) which are on the left and right side to stabilize the position of the CSGSP-2 on CS-TIDY machine with the Phillips-head screwdriver (4).