CSTEP-2Regular Die Set Installation






In case there is lower die bushing installed in the lower die holder (3), first loosen the fixing screw and remove the lower die bushing. Then, install the lower die (1) into the lower die holder (3).

Note: Try cleaning the bottom die (anvil). Extensive use may have caused the finish from your grommets to build up in the groove on your bottom die. It is minor, but can make a big difference.









Securely fix the set screw (4) comes with your die set with the allen key (5) to stabilize the position of the lower die.

Note: Make sure the bottom die is sitting flat in the bottom die bushing, make sure the set screw is tight. If this is not flat then you will not get a round grommet.












Securely fix the upper die (2) to the upper die holder (1) manually.

Note: Debris may have become clogged inside your top setting die from possibly trying to set a grommet upside down or extended use. A new die may be necessary if it is damaged internally or if the threads are stripped or bent.









Attach the upper die to the upper die adaptor by manually rotating.


Note: Verify that your top die is screwed all the way in to the press so the flat part of the die is flush on the shaft.  If you press too hard with a partially installed die, it is possible to bend the threaded rod on the top die shaft and you may overcrimp the grommets. If the rod is bent the die needs to be repaired or replaced.

Tip: use a little plumber’s Teflon tape on the threads for a tight fit that will not easily come loose with repeated use.

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